Window coverings

You may have noticed that we have roman blinds from the bathroom forward but no blinds at any of the portholes. This is because we have multi-purpose window coverings - you will have seen them in earlier pictures.

We have the cushions for the sofa and the breakfast stools, which then fit into the portholes. Because they are thick and flexible, it is possible to have the porthole open and still fit the porthole bung so that you get fresh air in.

The other thing you may have noticed is that there doesn't appear to be any way of keeping the roman blinds flat against the cabin sides - because of the angle of the cabin walls when the blind is down it will hang straight down away from the side. Simple - use fishing line! Secure it to the top of the blind mounting, run it down through the eyelits on one side, under the window frame, up through the eyelits on the other side and then secure it to the top of the blind mounting. You may occasionally need to tighten the fishing line or replace it, but my £2.75 roll of finishing line will last a long time. (I've tried photographing this but it doesn't come out that well)

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